Tuesday, 13 November 2018

HALLOWEEN 5th AND 6th grade.

Some days ago , the students from 5th and 6th grade celebrated the festivity of Halloween in a very funny way.

Students  from 5th grade practiced some vocabulary doing class presentations about famous costumes, traditions about Halloween, the story of the festivity, food that we eat on these days and the celebrations that people do around the world. 

They present their research in front of the class and it was very interesting! When they finish, they could enjoy a terrifying Trick or Treat. 

Oh! And of course they could sing a Halloween song with Halloween vocabulary. For a while they became fabolous GHOSTBUSTERS! 

 Click here to listen the song: 

In 6th grade, students prepared and wrote down some Halloween riddles about vocabulary that they had learnt in the class. They could play guessing the correct answer to get their Trick or treat "surprise"...

Here you have some of them enjoying the Halloween corner. 

And they could sing too!! This time, they leant and practiced a terrifying song! THIS IS HALLOWEEN, from the film "Nightmare before Christmas". 

     Click here to listen the song: 
